
For over 50 years, Palladium has been at the leading edge of locally-driven and private sector-informed approaches to development. Palladium is a trusted international development and humanitarian response partner for USAID, DFAT and FCDO, managing a portfolio of projects worth almost $2B.  Palladium combines private sector strategy execution with a deep understanding of development fundamentals to create true sustainability for companies, economies, and societies. Palladium’s work enlists and benefits governments, corporations, communities, civil society, foundations, and investors so that we mobilize collective action that adds value and fosters win-wins. Palladium is comprised of over 3,500 staff and works in over 90 countries across dozens of technical areas to enable positive impact in different country, client, and project contexts.

Palladium leverages and strengthens digital ecosystems to achieve development goals across sectors by applying a digital lens to each sector and a sector-specific lens to digital transformation. This enables cross-cutting investments in digital skills, systems, strategies, and infrastructure that are responsive to each sector’s needs and context and enables positive social and economic impact. We bring a global network of local opportunities, insights and relationships with governments and private sector, across health, education, economic growth, climate, food security, governance and humanitarian response, and leverage opportunities to work in collaboration with other USG agencies and global funders. Palladium’s technology-agnostic approach is driven by the Principles for Digital Development and allows us to deliver industry-quality digital programs, that are responsible and consider commercial, political, ethical, and environmental considerations that emerging technologies and digital transformation pose on inclusive development and social outcomes.

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